Bible Verse of the Day

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


There is a time in your life wherein you want to break free from all the things that are keeping you from being "almost perfect" your vices, your addictions, your bad deeds, and all the negative things that you need to be free from. What help do you need to break free from these things? When your spirit orders you to stop these things yet the physical body lingers on the thought that these things make you a "god" on earth then the battle between good and evil commences. The Lord said "If your right eye causes you to sin, take it out. It is better to loose an eye that to loose you whole being into the fires of hell"
Figuratively, we need to let go of the "eye" that causes us to sin, or anything that leads us astray, may it be our eyes, our hands or our earthly body rather than be thrown in the "fires of hell".
I am not perfect, I do have my flaws and I want to get rid of them as soon as I can. Life is a struggle and these things has been my struggle. I guess I need not wait for any Heavenly being to come down to me and tell me to stop these things. It needs courage, prayer and forgiveness of oneself. Acceptance is a major key. Accept the fact that you have sinned, accept the fact that you have done these things, Accept your whole being. For with acceptance comes forgiveness and with forgiveness comes glory and when glory is within us, the blessings of the Father just comes into us without limit. When this time comes, share these blessings to others and live your life to the fullest in the right direction. It may be hard but it will be worth it.


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