Bible Verse of the Day

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” -Philippians 1:29 Listen to chapter

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another Blessing has come

October 16,2010. A very  memorable date that my family and I shall remember. A new blessing has been given to me and my family. I consider this a very memorable day since our Most Holy Mother gave us our dream wish. A BRAND NEW CAR!

Very memorable it is, since this is given on the month of the Hoy Rosary, 3 days after the feast of our Lady of Fatima. Thank you so much dear Mother Mary. I hope and I pray that you always protect and guide us. Never tire in showering us with your blessings, Oh Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix of Grace. We love you!

From the showroom, before heading home, I asked my father that we stop by our parish church to light a candle for thanksgiving, The National Shrine of St. Joseph.

After 3 days of getting the unit, we had the car blessed and offered it back to the Lord for thanksgiving. No words can express our gratitude and thanks for the blessing. I have always thought that when we have the car blessed, it should be after the mass, and it did happen! the priest who celebrated the mass was the same priest who blessed the car. Thank you Father Randy!

Never tire of asking God for the blessings that we need. There are 3 answers for the prayers that we are offering:
- Yes

Im glad that our Father in Heaven answered our prayers and He said --WAIT and it shall be given in My time.
Thank you Father God!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Quick guide to Praying the Holy Rosary

This is a very quick guide on how to pray the Holy Rosary:

October - Month of the Holy Rosary

This month is the month of the Holy Rosary. In this particular month specifically on October 13 - is the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. This day marks the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal. One of the marvelous acts of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And sadly, on this day, October 13, is the last apparition of our Lady of Fatima to the three shepherd children - Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. But the plan of the salvation of humanity has been unfolded. The greatest weapon that we the Blessed Mother has given us, Her children, is the Rosary and Scapular.

Have you offered your gift of reciting the Holy Rosary to our Blessed Mother?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Today we remember the nativity of our Blessed Mother, the Mother of our Saviour and the Mother of us all.
In her Honor, I want to share some beautiful pictures of our Mother, Mary...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


There is a time in your life wherein you want to break free from all the things that are keeping you from being "almost perfect" your vices, your addictions, your bad deeds, and all the negative things that you need to be free from. What help do you need to break free from these things? When your spirit orders you to stop these things yet the physical body lingers on the thought that these things make you a "god" on earth then the battle between good and evil commences. The Lord said "If your right eye causes you to sin, take it out. It is better to loose an eye that to loose you whole being into the fires of hell"
Figuratively, we need to let go of the "eye" that causes us to sin, or anything that leads us astray, may it be our eyes, our hands or our earthly body rather than be thrown in the "fires of hell".
I am not perfect, I do have my flaws and I want to get rid of them as soon as I can. Life is a struggle and these things has been my struggle. I guess I need not wait for any Heavenly being to come down to me and tell me to stop these things. It needs courage, prayer and forgiveness of oneself. Acceptance is a major key. Accept the fact that you have sinned, accept the fact that you have done these things, Accept your whole being. For with acceptance comes forgiveness and with forgiveness comes glory and when glory is within us, the blessings of the Father just comes into us without limit. When this time comes, share these blessings to others and live your life to the fullest in the right direction. It may be hard but it will be worth it.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Anima Christi: a very beautiful song. Very refreshing to the soul

I want to share this very beautiful song.
This describes my plea to the Lord. Everytime I hear this song, my eyes become tearful and my sins flash in my memory, even sins of the past. It petrifies me to think back of the sins i have done and I am so sorry for it.
Thank you Lord for the forgiveness! Make me brand new!

Movie: The life of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina

                                                                                             Padre Pio - Part 1

Padre Pio - Part 2

Padre Pio - Part 3

Padre Pio - Part 4

Padre Pio - Part 5

Padre Pio - Part 6

Padre Pio - Part 7

Padre Pio - Part 8

Padre Pio - Part 9

Padre Pio - Part 10

Padre Pio - Part 11

Padre Pio - Part 12

Padre Pio - Part 13

Padre Pio - Part 14

Padre Pio - Part 15

Padre Pio - Part 16

Padre Pio - Part 17

Padre Pio - Part 18

Padre Pio - Part 19

Padre Pio - Part 20

Padre Pio - Part 21

Padre Pio - Part 22

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Memorabilia's of our Blessed Mother in the Marian Monks of the Holy Eucharist

As promised in my previous post I will be showing some of the pictures I took in the mini-museum after you have visited the Miraculous Image of Mama Mary. The pictures are not of good quality since I was not able to bring my digicam so a handy camera phone did the magic.

These are the original vestments worn by the image of Mama Mary from 1999-2009

These are the rosaries used in the image of Mama Mary from 1998-2009

Some of the viels of Mama Mary.

These are the original stuff that the monks used on the early days of their settlement. The bamboo torch was used when they were doing the procession during the plague that hit the town together with the flowers and the guitar. Miraculously the plague went away. Take note of the clay pot on top. This has something to do with the next picture.

Notice the red liquid in the picture? (hope it's clear enough for you to see) that is an oozing liquid on a white candle. The red liquid was collected in the clay pot in the picture above.

Some of the beautiful images of the Blessed Mother also on display. The last image is the Niña Maria or the Baby Mary.

This is the original vestment worn by Mama Mary on her first shedding of tears.

The Crown and Rosary used on the Miraculous Image during the first shedding of tears.

Remember the image of Mama Mary on my previous post? On her birthday, September 8, 1999 at around 3:30 to 4:30 PM her faced turned into a Black Madonna. Notice the difference from the original Image.
This is the birthday dress of Mama Mary when the "Black Madonna" Phenomenon happened.

Just in case the pictured text is not clear:
A Great Phenomena took place:
            After the Holy Mass at 3:30 PM last September 8, 1999 in honor of Her Birthday, the statue of the Miraculous Mama Mary where vested of her new birthday dress prior to Her coronation and procession. It was a very solemn celebration in front of the public. When suddenly, a brilliant light appreared in the midst of the air floating like the twinkling stars of different colors in the sky. Minutes later, Her faced changes into a very beautiful alive young Lady and into a Black Madonna, followed by an indescribable scent of flowers wrapped this entire chapel. Hundreds of people were screaming, shouting, and crying "Mama Mary!, Mama Mary!, Mama Mary!"
            And again the beautiful image of Mama Mary shed drops of tears, graciously fall down on her checks. That Miraculous event lasted for about 10 minutes more or less

"Thank you Mama Mary for your love to us your children."

On my next post is our next destination: The National Shrine of Our Lady of the Rule Church in Lapu-Lapu City Cebu.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Weekend Local Marian Pilgrimage in Cebu, Philippines Part 1

Last July 31, I was given a chance to join my bestfriend's roadtrip to the northern part of Cebu, Lindogan Sibonga. Her sister arrived from Iloilo together with her husband for a visit to the "Marian Monks of the Holy Eucharist". I offered to drive so off we go!

This is a Marian site where the image of our Lady of Fatima shed tears, and a lot more unexplained phenomenon.

The monastery of the Marian Monks of the Holy Eucharist

This is the view once you arrive from the parking lot. You need to walk  towards the main chapel situated in the mountain. Just a few minutes (around 3-5 mins). Just offer the sacrifice of walking for Mama Mary.

You need to line up to kiss on the image of our Blessed Mother, while lining up you can see along the way the wheel chairs, letters of intentions, thanksgiving letters, miracle letters, pictures and everything unexplainable.

View on the second floor while waiting in line

When you reach the second floor, you can see the view of the original chapel which has beautifully transformed into this. Thank God for all the generous people who were so kind to financially support and renovate the chapel.

An iron grill with the M emblem which stands for Mary

This is an iron grill with an M design. One can still see the view below while waiting in line.

The pictures above are the pews on the second floor.

Angel carrying Holy Water

This beautiful Angel greets you on the second floor. You are near and about see our Blessed Mother. You have to prepare youself to see the miraculous image of our Blessed Mother. Dip your fingers in the Holy Water, make the sign of the Cross and pray... Tell our Blessed Mother your problems, your wishes and all the burden that you are carrying. Believe me She listens to you.

The following images are what you will see once you have entered the Holy Chapel of our Lady. This is the altar.


This is the Miraculous Image of our Lady of Fatima

There is a prayer area at the side of the chapel where you can still see the Miraculous Image or there are kneelers right below the image of our Blessed Mother. Here you can feel her presence, you can even smell the scent of flowers, very strong rose scent.

Once you are done with your prayers of intercession, there is a mini-museum where you can see memorabillia's of the history of this Marian Shrine. I will be showing them on my next post.