Bible Verse of the Day

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” -Philippians 1:29 Listen to chapter

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

St. Lorenzo Ruiz of Manila

Today is the feast day of St. Lorenzo Ruiz of Manila. The first Filipino Saint.

Beloved SAN LORENZO RUIZ DE MANILA, confronted with death, you proclaimed your readiness to die a thousand times for your Christian faith. Today the whole world admires your courage. We feel particularly proud of you as our brother. And we pray: You, a family man, protect our families. Keep them united in love. You, who bore your sufferings with patience and resignation, intercede for the sick of mind and body; help them to receive the grace of God’s miraculous healing. You, who died in a foreign country, take care of Filipinos living and working in this country and in other parts of the world. You, an example of Christian fortitude, sustain our faith and make it spread and grow strong all around us. You, the Philippines’ first saint, be the country’s special protector. Unite us as one people; help us to work in harmony for development and progress; and give us peace. AMEN.
(State your intentions). San Lorenzo Ruiz, pray for us.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Today marks the Nativity of Mary, the most Holy Mother of Jesus. She was chosen to be the Mother of our Saviour, born without sin. She is full of Grace as She is the Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix of All Graces.

(St. Anne with her daughter Mary)
A beautiful song for you my Mother and the Mother of us all. Thank you for "YES". If not for you the Divine Plan of the Most High will bever come true. You are the model of all mothers. We praise you for patience, for your understanding, for your care, for your love and above all for giving us the graces necessary for our being. We thank you Heavenly Mother despite our shortcomings and failure you never fail to love us and to show us how compassionate you are for the Divine Plan of God, for the Salvation of Mankind. Mother Mary, my Mother, as we celebrate your birthday today, may you help humanity end all war, may all sick be showered with God's love, may the lonely find warmth in your love, may the lost find their way, may the hungry be fed, may there peace all over the world and may your Most Immaculate Heart triumph all over the world.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Eve of Mother Mary's Birthday

Today is the Eve of Mama Mary's birthday. As a preparation, while working, I searched over youtube "Marian Song Playlist". I found many and played to at least two. Very nice songs, very inspirational. What about you? Have you ever thought of offering or at least doing something for our Blessed Mother?
Hey! I got a tip. She does not need any material things nor expensive gifts. What she needs is a simple 6 letter word. Yes, 6 letter word with no money involved. Only a little bit of your time, effort and above all your love for her, your very special love for her. Do you have an idea what it is? This also mean a boquet of roses since it has been said that roses or should I say, spiritual roses, comes out of your mouth and angels get it to make it as crowns of roses for Mother Mary.
It is called th -- R-O-S-A-R-Y.
Have you offered your rosary to Her?