Bible Verse of the Day

“For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him,” -Philippians 1:29 Listen to chapter

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Another Blessing has come

October 16,2010. A very  memorable date that my family and I shall remember. A new blessing has been given to me and my family. I consider this a very memorable day since our Most Holy Mother gave us our dream wish. A BRAND NEW CAR!

Very memorable it is, since this is given on the month of the Hoy Rosary, 3 days after the feast of our Lady of Fatima. Thank you so much dear Mother Mary. I hope and I pray that you always protect and guide us. Never tire in showering us with your blessings, Oh Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix of Grace. We love you!

From the showroom, before heading home, I asked my father that we stop by our parish church to light a candle for thanksgiving, The National Shrine of St. Joseph.

After 3 days of getting the unit, we had the car blessed and offered it back to the Lord for thanksgiving. No words can express our gratitude and thanks for the blessing. I have always thought that when we have the car blessed, it should be after the mass, and it did happen! the priest who celebrated the mass was the same priest who blessed the car. Thank you Father Randy!

Never tire of asking God for the blessings that we need. There are 3 answers for the prayers that we are offering:
- Yes

Im glad that our Father in Heaven answered our prayers and He said --WAIT and it shall be given in My time.
Thank you Father God!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Quick guide to Praying the Holy Rosary

This is a very quick guide on how to pray the Holy Rosary:

October - Month of the Holy Rosary

This month is the month of the Holy Rosary. In this particular month specifically on October 13 - is the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima. This day marks the anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal. One of the marvelous acts of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And sadly, on this day, October 13, is the last apparition of our Lady of Fatima to the three shepherd children - Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco. But the plan of the salvation of humanity has been unfolded. The greatest weapon that we the Blessed Mother has given us, Her children, is the Rosary and Scapular.

Have you offered your gift of reciting the Holy Rosary to our Blessed Mother?